NSW Energy Efficiency Programs Review Report

This report outlines who is consulting, manufacturing or developing programs and services of the area of energy efficiency in NSW alongside a review into the take up of government energy related programs and their effectiveness.

In October 2015, the Hunter Business Chamber and the NSW Energy and Resources Knowledge Hub collaborated to develop a Review Report of NSW Energy Efficiency Programs. The development of this review report was highlighted as a priority by Hub members who considered the review of energy efficiency service providers and programs as a valuable resource.

The paper provided a snapshot of the types of programs available to the SME sector in NSW, as well as a detailed case study of the Energy Hunter Program delivered under the auspices of the Energy Efficiency Information Grant Program funded by the Federal Government in 2012.

Energy Hunter was a collaborative project between the Hunter Business Chamber, the City of Newcastle and Hunter TAFE to develop energy efficiency information to small and medium sized businesses across the Hunter Region. This program received significant attention and in 2014 was awarded the NSW Government’s Green Globe, Climate Change Leader award.

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