Innovation Launchpad
At the Innovation Launchpad, businesses are working with world-class researchers to test ideas and demonstrate new technologies.

Located at The University of Newcastle’s NIER (Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources) Precinct, the Innovation Launchpad is a collaborative work, research and testing environment for companies looking to innovate technology or services for the energy, resources, food and water sectors.
Participating businesses are embedded within a NIER research group, and given access to the collaborative office space and industrial research infrastructure at the NIER precinct, to work together on solutions for real world challenges.
The dedicated space immerses businesses in a research-driven environment to facilitate problem solving through best practice industry/academic engagement.
Access to industrial pilot scale facilities is crucial for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to be able to test, validate and demonstrate their innovation. The Innovation Launchpad framework provides SMEs access to valuable testing facilities, not often accessible on the pathway to commercialisation.
Participants benefit from knowledge exchange and access to events and expertise through the NSW Energy and Resources Knowledge Hub, hosted at NIER. Support and advice can also be provided through the University for swift navigation of challenging business issues relating to IP, commercialisation and exporting.
The NIER precinct is a 3.8 hectare industrial innovation precinct encompassing extensive research laboratories, glasshouses and pilot scale workshops, offering opportunities for industry focused applied research, testing, demonstration and training.
The Launchpad office space provides a range of open plan and flexible workspace areas, offices, informal and formal meeting spaces, high speed WIFI, print and scan facilities, a well-equipped kitchen and breakout area with selfservice tea and coffee, storage and locker space – all for a nominal monthly service fee.