Austmine 2022 webinar series to focus on ESG issues in METS and mining

Across this year, Austmine will provide a comprehensive analysis of ESG – environmental, social and governance – issues in the mining industry and METS sector

Austmine esg

Largely viewed as a box ticking exercise a decade ago, ESG has grown in prevalence to be the biggest talking point in mining Boardrooms around the world. As pressure increases for businesses to create sustained outcomes for a broad range of stakeholders, ESG has become a critical factor in decisions about project viability, procurement, technology development, supply chains and workforces.

Participating in this Austmine webinar series will give you a greater understanding of:

  • Why mining and related industries are accelerating ESG commitments and initiatives.
  • How ESG objectives and performance will drive investment and growth in mining, along with procurement practices and supply chain management and how this will affect METS suppliers.
  • The role of technology in helping to achieve ESG goals, including transforming business practices, driving sustainable processes, and measuring and monitoring ESG goal achievement.
  • The key ESG considerations for METS businesses to respond to changing customer requirements and adopt sustainable principles within their own operations.
  • What a sustainable and successful mining industry will look like in the future if ESG objectives are achieved.

Series Schedule:

23 March - Panel: Introduction to ESG - Perspectives Across the Industry
27 April - Panel: Examining Mining’s Environmental Priorities
18 May - Tech Talk: Energising the Future Mine
1 June - Tech Talk: Conserving Water Resources
15 June - Tech Talk: Managing Waste and Creating New Value
29 June - Tech Talk: Reducing Impacts on Landscapes and Ecosystems
3 August - Panel: Examining Mining’s Social Priorities
31 August - Tech Talk: Creating Lasting Value for Communities
14 September - Tech Talk: Prioritising Employee Health & Safety
28 September - Tech Talk: Effective Supply Chain Management
2 November - Panel: Ensuring Effective Governance
16 November - Tech Talk: Solutions Supporting Strong Governance

Member Opportunities

Austmine members will have the opportunity to contribute to the webinar series through METS Tech Talks and panel discussions. Contact to express your interest.

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