Austmine offering free India Growth Program to Australian METS sector
Australian Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) companies are invited to participate in a complimentary business coaching program focusing on capturing opportunities in the Indian mining industry

Facilitated by Austmine, the Australian METS India Growth Program will feature a series of online market seminars and interactive workshops to assist companies in understanding the operational needs and challenges in India, key success factors for doing business, positioning the value proposition for the market, and building local partnerships and networks.
The Growth Program consists of eight online sessions and will conclude with an opportunity for businesses to pitch their capabilities and solutions directly to leading mining organisations in India.
The eight online sessions include five focused on the Indian Market:
- Introduction to the Indian Mining Market :: 31st January 2023
- Doing Business in India :: 7 February 2023
- Market Entry :: 14 February 2023
- Promoting Your Business & Building Networks :: 21 February 2023
- Interview: Learning from Successful Exporters :: 28 February 2023
And three focused on business coaching:
- Developing a Business Plan for India :: 14 March 2023
- Refining Your Marketing & Value Proposition :: 21 March 2023
- Pitch Sessions to Indian Mining Organisations :: 28 March 2023
At the completion of the program, businesses will be invited to attend an Australian METS trade delegation to India.
The Australian METS India Growth Program is free to attend and limited to Australian entities only. A maximum of two representatives per organisation can register for the program. Upon completion of the registration form, you will automatically be registered for all eight sessions.
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