Climate Council 'gamechanger' report urges on renewable investment and energy efficiency
The Climate Council has unveiled 10 game-changing actions Australian governments can immediately get cracking on to fast-track emissions reductions, tackle the energy and cost-of-living crises, and create tens of thousands of new jobs

The Power Up: 10 Climate Gamechangers report provides a practical roadmap for the Federal Government to speed up its climate action in the 2020s, to ensure Australia well overshoots the 43% emissions reduction target. Many of the policy recommendations can be implemented in this term of government.
Amanda McKenzie, CEO, Climate Council, said: “With the Climate Change Act passing the Parliament last week, Australia finally has climate targets enshrined in law. Now the hard work begins to get emissions plummeting this decade to avoid the worst climate impacts."
“Getting cracking on expanding renewable energy and electrifying our homes and transport will also save Aussies money on their rapidly rising bills, while creating tens of thousands of new jobs for our regions."
“Our Power Up report is a plug-and-play roadmap for policymakers, with practical science-backed solutions that they can implement straight away, using today’s technology. It will deliver win-win-win benefits for our climate, cost of living and economy,” Ms McKenzie said.
The Climate Council’s 10 Climate Gamechangers are:
- Plug in 100 per cent renewables.
- Boost batteries for rock-solid renewable supplies, through a Renewable Energy Storage Target.
- Upskill Australians for clean trades.
- Plan ahead for coal closures so no-one is left behind, with the appointment of a National Energy Transition Authority to agree closure dates and transition plans.
- Implement mandatory fuel efficiency standards as soon as possible.
- Work with States and Territories to ditch diesel for renewable electric buses.
- Make new buildings net zero by 2025, and electrify established ones.
- Ensure major polluters do their fair share through a stronger Safeguard Mechanism.
- End public funding and finance for coal, gas and oil.
- Develop a comprehensive climate and energy investment plan by 2024.
While some of this work has already begun, there are several areas the Climate Council urges the government to begin as soon as possible. This includes ceasing public funding for fossil fuels, implementing fuel efficiency standards, making all new Australian buildings net zero and electrifying existing ones.