Could your business benefit from a post-grad student researching an industry specific challenge?
Candidates are embedded within businesses to conduct industry driven R&D projects - with tax subsidies, academic co-supervision, and access to university research infrastructure.

Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centres provide support for business in vital Industries looking to embed Higher Degree by Research (HDR) programs.
SMEs in the energy sector have the opportunity to have industry specific research carried out by a dedicated HDR student supported by academic co-supervision, with access to university research infrastructure.
Industry partners benefit from a dedicated candidate working on a pre-identified R&D project over 12-18 months, developing impactful research outcomes for their business while delivering a real world industry experience for the candidate.
Through this innovative training and engagement model, industry research capabilities are strengthened while producing highly-skilled STEM graduates equipped with excellent academic training, relevant industry skills and experience.
Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre for the Chemical Industries (ATCI)
Masters of Industrial Research students from the ARC ATCI (up to 30 available) would benefit a business wanting access to new chemistry and advanced manufacturing technologies, and commercial products.
The ATCI brings together three leading Universities (The University of Melbourne, The University of New South Wales and Swinburne University of Technology), in partnership with chemical industry companies and Chemistry Australia, in a collaboration that will drive enhanced global competitive advantages and development of new technology and product pipelines for long term sustainable growth and economic benefit to the chemical industry.
The cost for hosting a masters candidate is the student scholarship of approximately $33,000 pa, of which 43.5% is rebatable via the R&D tax incentive for eligible companies.
Further information about the ATCI and how to retain a supported Masters student is available at
Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre for The Global Hydrogen Economy
This newly established training centre will aid the development of new cost-effective hydrogen technologies, further supporting the federal government’s National Hydrogen Strategy, placing Australia at the forefront of the hydrogen economy.
The centre will provide an opportunity for PhD candidates to be embedded in an industry setting, develop expertise, and be equipped to seamlessly become part of an expanding industry in Australia and internationally.
The University of New South Wales (UNSW) led project, awarded $4.9m in ARC funding over 5 years, will engage Australia’s best researchers to develop hydrogen technologies and innovations to aid the world’s transition to renewable energies.
With Partner Universities, (University of Newcastle, University of Queensland, Curtin University and University of Sydney), the Centre will focus on key themes including: the production, storage, and utilisation of hydrogen; development of the right safety systems and controls; and commercialisation, public acceptance, and the skills industry will require in a hydrogen economy.
Further information on the newly established ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy will be available in the coming months. Please contact