Employment issues paper released ahead of national Jobs and Skills Summit
The Federal Government has released an issues paper in preparation for the Jobs and Skills Summit to be held in Canberra during September

The Jobs and Skills Summit will bring together Australians, including unions, employers, civil society and governments, to address our shared economic challenges.
The Federal Government has been convening roundtable discussions in communities across Australia, hearing local perspectives on the challenges in the labour market.
Also in preparation, an issues paper which outlines some of the challenges to be discussed at next month’s Summit has been released by the government.
The paper covers five broad themes:
- maintaining full employment and growing productivity
- boosting job security and wages
- lifting participation and reducing barriers to employment
- delivering a high‑quality labour force through skills, training and migration
- maximising opportunities in the industries of the future.
There is an overarching focus on women’s experiences of the labour market and the challenge of ensuring women have equal opportunities and equal pay.
Everyone will have the opportunity to have their say, not just the people at the Summit.
After the Summit, Treasury will accept submissions for the Employment White Paper, which will help map out the future of our skills and labour market.