Energy roadmap for business gets an upgrade
The Energy Efficiency Council have launched the second edition of their energy briefing for business

Designed for directors and senior executives, Navigating a dynamic energy landscape: a briefing for Australian businesses is a practical, approachable briefing on the drivers for transformation in Australia’s energy markets, how those drivers play out in business energy bills, and the options businesses have to take control of their energy position.
Luke Menzel is Chief Executive Officer of the Energy Efficiency Council, Australia’s peak body for energy efficiency, energy management and demand response. He explains the background and purpose of the updated briefing.
"It’s great to have the refreshed briefing out, so that businesses across the country have access to up-to-date energy market information, delivered in plain English."
"Navigating a dynamic energy landscape has filled a gap in the market, between breathless newspaper commentary and dense reports from energy market bodies. It gives business leaders the background they need on what is going on in our energy system, but more importantly, what they can do about it."
"But we know that sticking a PDF on a website doesn't achieve anything, so over the past year we have taken it on the road."
"We've done a CEDA LUNCH in Melbourne and an AICD event in Albury-Wodonga. We've briefed ANZ institutional investors at Pitt Street and met with executives from a food processor in Korumburra. We've even broadcast a live briefing session from Ai Group’s studio to their members across the nation."
"So we’ve done it all. But there has been a theme running through all of these sessions: there is a huge appetite from businesses to get in a room and have a conversation with colleagues about what is going on with our energy system, and what they can do to take some control."