Feedback sought on National Electric Vehicle Strategy
Consultation is now open to shape Australia’s first National Electric Vehicle Strategy, designed to improve the affordability, supply and uptake of electric vehicles.

Australia is significantly behind when it comes to Electric Vehicles, which are cleaner and cheaper to run. With transport now Australia’s second largest source of national emissions, reducing emissions by boosting EV uptake will be critical to Australia reaching net zero by 2050.
The Federal Government is working with State and Territory Governments, industry, unions and consumers to provide Australians better access to modern road transport technology and ensure infrastructure and industries are ready to support the transition.
They have released the National Electric Vehicle Strategy and are seeking views on the proposed goals, objectives and actions.
This feedback will help shape a truly national Strategy to ensure Australians can access the best transport technologies and help meet our emission reduction targets. The Strategy will aim to provide social, economic, business, health and environmental benefits. This will make sure we capture opportunities and have an orderly transition to transport electrification.
The market is showing Australians want EVs but supply is currently constrained. Well-designed national policies will secure affordable zero emissions cars for Australians.
The consultation paper is seeking views on issues including:
- making EVs more affordable, encouraging uptake and choice;
- increasing charging infrastructure;
- reducing road transport emissions;
- introducing fuel efficiency standards;
- saving Australians money on fuel; and
- increasing local manufacturing.
“At the heart of the national strategy will be a plan to improve affordability and choice for consumers by growing the Australian EV market,” Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen said.
“This is a genuine consultation to inform the right policy settings so we can see more affordable electric vehicles on our roads.”
“Right now, Australians miss out on a wider choice of affordable EVs because of our policy settings are outdated. It's time for Australians to get a fair go when they're deciding on their next car.”