How can modern mines be best supported by METS?

The Advanced METS Doctoral Training Centre (METS DTC) attached to the University of Newcastle is hosting an end of year event this Wednesday in Muswellbrook.
The afternoon forum will see METS DTC students and University research associates join local industry members to discuss how the METS DTC and industry are working together to solve real-world problems.
Bengalla Mining Company CEO, Cam Halfpenny will speak at this event about the future of the METS sector, and how modern mines will be best supported by METS. Cam will draw from his extensive experience in mine operations to provide his insight on what METS capabilities will be needed, and what is required to support a competitive and resilient new generation workforce.
DTC Students will also present an overview of their research projects, and networking opportunities and refreshments will follow.
Through fostering collaborative PhD projects, the Advanced METS DTC aims to deliver innovative and transformational technologies, and develop skilled innovators of the future.
Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor and Vice President - Global Engagement and Partnerships, Associate Professor Kevin Hall, said Australian METS companies were global leaders in providing products and services throughout the mining value chain.
“While the METS sector continues to play a key role as a sector of national significance, there are emerging skills and technology challenges,” Professor Hall said.
“Through this doctoral training centre, the University of Newcastle is committed to engaging industry with our researchers and businesses to deliver solutions to real industry challenges.”
To register for this important free event, click here.