Inform the national Electricity and Energy Sector Plan
In a bid to gather valuable insights and perspectives from all stakeholders, the government has released a discussion paper and need your feedback

To support the Net Zero Plan, the Australian Government is developing an Electricity and Energy Sector Plan.
This plan will set out a credible pathway to reach reduce emissions in Australia’s electricity and energy sector, while ensuring reliable, secure and affordable energy supply.
The Government is inviting views on aspects of the energy transformation that represent the most material challenges and opportunities for the energy sector. These issues are outlined in the Discussion Paper.
Feedback received through the consultation will be used to help develop the Electricity and Energy Sector Plan and inform the Net Zero 2050 Plan.
Join the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water for an interactive webinar on the Electricity and Energy Sector Plan discussion paper consultation on Friday, 12 April from 11am–12:30pm AEST.
Don’t miss the chance to have your say by ensuring you lodge your submission at the DCCEEW website by 5pm AEST Friday, 26 April 2024.