Join webinars to give feedback on 'Remade in Australia' scheme for recycled content products.
The Australian Government is developing a brand and verified labelling scheme for Australian made recycled content products.

While more and more Aussies are looking to buy sustainable and recycled content products, three in five find it hard to make sustainable purchasing decisions. Unclear labelling is the main reason for this.
The ReMade in Australia brand will promote consumer confidence in and demand for recycled content products, drive an increase in Australian recycled content manufacturing, and promote resource circularity in the Australian economy.
Please join the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) to hear about the ReMade in Australia brand and labelling scheme, how it will help Australians shop sustainably with confidence, and how you can get involved.
To register for the Introduction to ReMade in Australia Webinar, go here.
Following the introductory webinar, a series of workshops on potential eligibility rules for the brand will be held on 21, 23 and 29 November 2022.
Please join the workshop series to explore potential eligibility rules for ReMade in Australia branded products. While all workshops will explore the same potential rules, each workshop will take the lens of a different product type.
Workshop 1 (21 November 2022) will explore brand rules from the perspective of consumer packaging. Register here.
Workshop 2 (22 November 2022) will explore brand rules from the perspective of construction materials. Register here.
Workshop 3 (29 November 2022) will explore brand rules from the perspective of consumer goods. Register here.
The department will also publish a December discussion paper online for your feedback.