MCA warn that lost IR reform opportunity will cost jobs and investment dollars
The Senate has rejected key changes to the Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill 2021

In a statement released today, Tania Constable, Chief Executive Officer of the Minerals Council of Australia was critical of the decision.
'The failure of the Senate to pass key reforms in the Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill 2021 will discourage investment, jobs and wage increases, and reinforce Australia’s international reputation for complex and inflexible workplace relations,' she said.
Constable goes on to reiterate that the rejected measures were a compromise which emerged from extensive discussions between employers and unions in the industrial relations working groups conducted last year by the government.
"While improving workplace relations is not a panacea, the Australian Parliament should expedite all and any policy changes that boost business confidence and encourage additional investment and employment," Constable said.
The rejection of measures to accelerate the approval of enterprise agreements and allow longer greenfields agreements were identified as those most likely to affect the resources industry.
Although not universally supported by industry and unions, a statement released earlier this week by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) suggested that the reforms were "needed urgently to boost confidence, investment and job creation to complete the recovery and help put the economy on track to generate higher incomes and sustained growth in the future."
The ACCI statement showed strong cross-sector support for the reforms, with signatories including representatives from Australian Industry Group (Ai Group), Australian Mines and Metals Association (AMMA), Business Council of Australia (BCA) and Australian Constructors Association (ACA) among others.