METS Ignited representing sector at Austmine 2019
METS Ignited addresses key trends and celebrates successful METS businesses at Austmine 2019, which begins tomorrow in Brisbane.

Industry Growth Centre METS Ignited is proudly supporting Austmine 2019 to showcase the success of businesses within the sector to date, and connect METS companies with initiatives specifically designed to improve their business capabilities and help them win more work.
In keeping with this year's theme - The Next Horizon - METS Ignited will be addressing significant industry forces such as machine learning.
"METS Ignited's economic analysis has identified that the greatest benefits for the Australian mining industry in the near future will come from data analytics, Internet of Things (IoT) and AI, even before we move into robotics and automation," explains CEO Ian Dover.
The Growth Centre will run a workshop on the topic of machine learning the day prior to the event, which Dover explains is about how METS companies can use these techniques to grow their value proposition as well as make or save money for themselves and clients through a data science and analytics approach.
At the METS Ignited stand attendees can expect to learn about programs such as the Collaborative Project Funds, the RISE Accelerator and the METS Masterclasses that are delivering unprecedented opportunities for SMEs to grow and upskill their businesses. On display is a selection of METS companies who have experienced these opportunities first-hand.
In attendance will be participants of the inaugural RISE Accelerator - a progressive late-stage development program that is helping 17 businesses commercialise their offerings and grow their businesses.
"We will be giving them the opportunity to come along, talk to other METS and mining companies, and give their presentations so that the rest of the industry becomes aware of the innovations they have developed - it's a great opportunity for SMEs to display their innovations to an interested industry audience," Dover says.
RISE is building on the previous pilot accelerator with the Queensland Government and is a result of further collaboration between Industry Growth Centre NERA (National Energy Resources Australia) and the Western Australian Government.
CEO Ian Dover invites any METS companies interested in accelerating their growth to visit the stand and find out what kind of support is available.
"Our purpose is to deliver impact for METS companies through helping them develop capabilities, commercialise and even export.
"We have a range of programs that do exactly that, and we're looking forward to introducing more Australian businesses into our programs at Austmine," says Dover.
To hear more from METS Ignited at Austmine:
- Attend the pre-conference workshop on machine learning - Tuesday 21 May
- Connect with METS Ignited at the Meet the METS Sector stand located at the conference entrance - Stand F2
- Attend Dr Ian Dover's plenary session - Wednesday 22 May.
To discover more about the programme for Austmine 2019, go to the event website here.