New tool to inform business and consumer electric vehicle options
ARENA has provided funding to Evenergi to help businesses and consumers to make informed choices about electric vehicles (EVs)

With ARENA’s support, Evenergi has launched an initiative aimed at vehicle fleets called the Charge Together Fleets program, developed in partnership with the Electric Vehicle Council (EVC).
This includes a free online platform – called BetterFleet – to assist businesses to develop a detailed business case for switching to EVs. Fleet managers will be able to develop procurement plans that include economic and environmental assessments of vehicles and charging infrastructure in minutes.
Fleets make up more than half of all new vehicles sold annually in Australia and this platform will significantly reduce the time and cost required for fleets to make procurement decisions.
Over 100 Australian fleets – including NRMA, Charles Sturt University and Ausgrid – have so far signed up to the Charge Together Fleets program. Charge Together Fleets will also provide Australian organisations interested in transitioning to EVs with a knowledge base, peer-to-peer learning opportunities, a national procurement initiative, and a webinar series.
Next year, Evenergi will also launch an online platform and smartphone app for private consumers which will allow them to find the most suitable EV, arrange a test drive and set up home charging infrastructure.
Evenergi is also developing an Australia-wide planning tool for electricity distributors to plan for and manage the potential impact of EVs on the electricity system. This forecasting framework will take into account current EV electricity capacity, network constraints, travel data, future charging infrastructure, local renewable generation, and capacity management options. The planning tool will be launched in early 2020 with Ausgrid as the first user. It will enable energy networks to better plan for EVs on their network, ultimately improving grid reliability.
Last year, ARENA and CEFC published a report which predicted the uptake of EVs would increase significantly over the next decade. The report said EVs would reach price parity with petrol cars by the early to mid-2020s when looking at upfront cost, and sooner than this on a total cost of ownership basis. A lack of fast charging infrastructure was identified as a barrier to the uptake of EVs.
ARENA has also committed $21 million in funding to Chargefox and Evie Networks, providing two ultra-rapid EV charging networks along major interstate highways around Australia.
The $1.05 million project has also received support from the NSW and South Australian Governments, Ausgrid, and NRMA.