NSW Clean Manufacturing Precinct roadmap EOIs are now open
This is a competitive funding process to provide services to develop subsector, precinct or regional industrial decarbonisation roadmaps and implementation plans in the Hunter and Illawarra

As part of Net Zero Industry and Innovation Program, the Government are supporting the development of clean manufacturing precincts (CMPs) to fast track the decarbonising of high emitting industries and set the foundation to attract and create new, low carbon industries.
These regional precincts will play a vital role in meeting the state’s target of net zero emissions by 2050. They bring multiple industries together, helping them collaborate to access clean infrastructure and technology and develop a path to decarbonisation. They will reduce costs and risks associated with new technology (like hydrogen), while supporting economic growth in a low carbon economy.
The Government are now seeking expressions of interest (EOI) to develop CMP decarbonisation roadmaps.
It includes the development of at least two decarbonisation roadmaps and facilitation of collaborative strategic partnerships. These roadmaps must show a credible path to decarbonise industrial clusters in the Hunter and Illawarra.
The aim is to enable hard-to-abate industrial sectors to plan and implement a strategic way to accelerate their scale and pace towards net zero.
The Net Zero Industry and Innovation Program is the NSW Government's plan to support and partner with industry to reduce emissions and help NSW businesses prosper in a low carbon world. This plan also includes a $40 million commitment to the Clean Technology Innovation Research and Development Grants Program which is also currently open.
The application process to develop CMP decarbonisation roadmaps is divided into two stages:
- Stage 1 - Expression of interest (now open)
- Stage 2 - Request for proposal (opens 8 December 2021)
The EOI closes Tuesday 16 November 2021 at 5.00PM AEDT
You can learn more about the EOI process at one of these online briefing sessions. These will be held at 10.30 – 12.00pm on Wednesday 20 October 2021 or Tuesday 26 October 2021. Please register your attendance before the session.