Paid summer internships available in the Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) Sector

METS is a global sector and employment within it can often mean travel and growth opportunities far beyond what other industries can offer.


The METS sector is one of Australia’s best kept secrets. It employs 3 times as many people as the mining sector, is the source of 75% of all mining innovation and is home to dynamic, agile and exciting technology companies. However, the METS sector is currently facing a shortage of young employees with a STEM background.

Austmine is the industry body for the METS Sector, and they’ve partnered up with METS Ignited (the Federal Government growth centre for METS), leading METS companies and universities around the country to create the Austmine STEM METS Career Pathway Program.

This program will provide second, third and fourth years and master level students, currently studying any STEM degree, with a 10-week paid internship during the 2020-21 summer break. This includes online coaching and industry insights, and access to an online network of your peers and potential employers. Many degrees require practical, on the job experience in order to graduate, and if you are successful in your application to Austmine’s program – you’ll get just that.

There are several internships on offer. Click the links to find out more.

Geological Survey of NSW

  • Location: Maitland
  • Start date: December 2020

Students who would like to register for one of the above sessions need to email Be sure to include your full name, university email and the year of study you are currently undertaking.

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