Second round of EV fast charger grants open now
Drivers are set to receive a huge boost in charging infrastructure across the state with hundreds of new bays to be built in the latest round of electric vehicle fast charging grants.

The NSW Government is investing a further $80 million to co-fund up to 180 ultra-fast charging stations in round two of the grants, with all stations to be built over the coming 24 months.
“The ultra-fast chargers will be able to charge modern EVs from 20% to 80% in around 15 minutes and all stations will be fully powered with renewable energy," Treasurer and Energy Minister Matt Kean said.
The second round of the three grant rounds will see the addition of larger stations with a minimum of 8 ultra-fast charging bays, to be built in areas of high demand.
The fast chargers will be placed no more than 5km apart in metropolitan areas and no more than 100km apart on major roads and highways across NSW.
The successful applicants from the first round – Ampol, BP, Tesla, the NRMA, Evie Networks and Zeus Renewables – are already building the first 86 ultra-fast charging stations.
The NSW Government has a target to add approximately 250 fast and ultra-fast charging stations in total across NSW.