SMEs invited to Tech Tour Aberdeen with NERA

Early-stage SMEs with specific solutions for the energy resources sector are invited to apply for subsidised participation


NERA is inviting Australia’s leading early-stage energy technology companies to take part in a global technology exchange program that will take them to Aberdeen in September 2019 to build global relationships, forge valuable international supply chain connections, and take part in curated activities at and around the SPE Offshore Europe Conference.

The technology tour forms part of a collaborative international program developed by NERA with The Oil and Gas Technology Centre (OGTC) and Station Houston that is linking three energy resource capitals — Perth (Australia), Aberdeen (Scotland) and Houston (USA) — to support, promote and connect leading technology companies with major energy resource ecosystems around the world to provide global solutions.

As part of the first leg of the program, in May 2019, NERA took four of Australia’s leading energy innovators — AiSpanner, MyPass Global, Cumulus Projects and A60N — to Houston for the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), the largest oil and gas conference in the world. Read more about their journey here.

Key Details:

Dates: 2-11 September 2019 (SPE Offshore Europe runs from 3-6 September 2019).

Funding: NERA will subsidise each company up to A$10,000 to participate in the program.

Opportunity: Connect with potential customers, identify partners, validate your technology and solution with industry leaders and create the pathway to access the global energy market.

Who should participate?: Early-stage SMEs with specific solutions for the energy resources sector are invited to apply through this EOI process. Specific technology solutions should relate to:

  • Asset Integrity
  • Wells
  • Marginal Development
  • Decommissioning
  • Digital Transformation
  • Subsurface

Submit your application by COB Thursday, 18 July, 2019, here.


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