Sustainable Stories Series Launches
Sustainable Stories is an interview series with host Russell French – Founder of Energetic Consulting.

Each week in this new series Russell French interviews senior leaders of business. These leaders have great stories and wisdom to share about what it took to get them to the top of their game in such a feel good industry. Russell himself is a veteran of the Australian renewable energy industry of 15 years
Episode 1 - Interview with CEC Chief Executive Kane Thornton
Kane is an advocate for the solar & energy storage industry, he also is an advocate for mental health and well-being. In this thought provoking interview he openly shares his own personal story of challenge, struggle and ultimately how he overcome the obstacles to find greater peace, health and well-being in his personal life which flows through to all he manages in his professional life.
This is not your stock standard interview format. It is more personal, discussing the high and lows of one’s career and how resilience and grit were developed to overcome obstacles and become a leader. It is an opportunity to get insight into these leaders personal stories.
The interviews discuss resilience strategies, routines and habits that create positivity, drive, focus and execution – especially during tough times. The aim is to inspire and uplift those in need right now, so it’s free to access the Sustainable Stories series.