The A$100 million Regional Job Creation Fund looks to support jobs in the bush
The fund supports existing businesses in regional NSW to grow and encourages interstate or overseas businesses to invest in regional NSW.

Regional NSW is Australia’s largest and most diverse regional economy and is home to thriving agribusiness, energy and resources industries and strong manufacturing, tourism and service sectors.
It has all the key ingredients for businesses to thrive and has direct road and rail access to major domestic markets and highly efficient transport linkages to some of the world’s fastest growing markets across Asia and beyond.
The Regional Job Creation Fund supports regional investment and job creation by offering up to $10 million in co-funding to activate or bring forward regional projects in engine, enabling or emerging engine industries. Examples of eligible projects could include the:
- replacement, upgrade or adaptation of plant and equipment at an existing regional NSW business
- establishment of an additional production line for an existing regional NSW business
- onshoring of activity currently done overseas to a regional NSW location
- development of new regional tourism experiences and visitor attractions
- relocation of a business operation from out of state to regional NSW.
The Regional Job Creation Fund’s focus is to co-fund projects creating at least five sustainable regional jobs.
Applications are now open and will close on Friday 14 May 2021 or when program funding is fully allocated. An information webinar for applicants will be held on Thursday, 5 November 2020 from 9.30am to 10.30am.