Watch webinar: Clean Energy Council advocates for A Clean Recovery for national economy
Clean energy has been one of Australia’s extraordinary success stories over the past decade and stands ready to lead the economic recovery from COVID-19.

On Tuesday 5 May, the Clean Energy Council held a forum with leading political, industry and community representatives to discuss the enormous potential of A Clean Recovery to lead Australia's economic recovery from COVID-19.
To watch the forum, go here.
A Clean Recovery can bring forward the enormous pipeline of wind and solar projects across Australia to:
- Create over 50,000 new direct jobs - and many more indirect jobs - in the construction of these projects, and an additional 4000 ongoing jobs in operations and maintenance.
- Triple the amount of large-scale renewable energy installed in Australia. Over 30,000 MW of new capacity would be built, on top of the existing 16,000 MW of renewable energy generation in the National Electricity Market, accelerating Australia’s shift to a grid dominated by clean energy.
- Drive down power prices and empower energy consumers with rooftop solar and household batteries.
- Inject $50 billion worth of investment into the Australian economy, particularly in rural and regional areas where these projects are located. This investment would be delivered by investors and allow government to direct scarce taxpayer funding to other essential services and areas.
This would deliver a cleaner, more affordable energy system that benefits all Australians and would increase Australia’s international competitiveness, especially in energy intensive industries, leading to further economic and employment benefits.
The consequent investment in renewable energy could also allow Australia to become the first large-scale exporter of hydrogen in the world, securing export revenue and jobs for the 21st century.
To read more about A Clean Recovery, go to the Clean Energy Council website here.