Women in renewables sought for updated expert Speakers Guide
The guide is designed to showcase the breadth, expertise and knowledge offered by women in the sector to event organisers.

The Clean Energy Council's Women in Renewables initiative enables and champions women working in the renewable energy industry.
In support of their commitment to the Women in Renewables Leaders' Pledge, the Clean Energy Council has compiled the industry's first Speakers Guide to promote gender diverse panels.
The Speakers Guide has had a refresh and moved to an online format. Previously, the Speakers Guide was manual so didn’t necessarily reflect the most up to date information. This refresh will mean that the Speakers Guide can be kept up to date easily at the click of a mouse.
As part of the refresh, the Clean Energy Council are reaching out to all existing women in the Speakers Guide and asking that they please re-submit their entry in the new format web form. For women not listed in the guide, now is a great opportunity to step up and put yourself forward in the new Speakers Guide. Please submit your applications here.
The Clean Energy Council are looking at launching this fantastic online resource to industry, event organisers and media in the next six weeks once it is updated with profiles of women across the industry. Please get your profiles in by Friday 11 September 2020.