METS Climate Change Workshop: Newcastle

What can we do collectively to slow climate change? How can we really make a difference to ensure a sustainable future?


Collectively the METS sector faces a number of serious strategic challenges that will impact our long-term economic prosperity, industry sustainability and social licence to operate. With issues continuing to intensify, Austmine will be convening member workshops around the country to discuss how our METS community can lead by collaborating to reduce carbon emissions, lessen our footprint and provide solutions to help in the worldwide effort to address climate change.

The first of these workshops will take place at the Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources (NIER) on Friday 14th February. The workshop will run across two hours and will focus on exploring and brainstorming practical strategies that can be implemented by individual businesses, the supply chain and the sector as a whole. It will be structured to allow for open discussion in small working groups on topics such as:

  • Practices for reducing the footprint of businesses;
  • New approaches to tackling climate change across the value chain;
  • External assistance and support needed to take action;
  • Technologies, expertise and processes currently in place.

From these discussions Austmine will consolidate the feedback and circulate the results to our members and Government. The aim will be to carry strategic programs forward and produce an Action Plan to guide the next steps.

This is an excellent opportunity to contribute to the sustainability of the METS sector and Austmine look forward to discussing your ideas, strategies and solutions.

Event Details

Friday 14th February 2020, 9.00 – 11.00AM
NIER, University of Newcastle, 70 Vale Street, Shortland, Newcastle

Please note, you must be logged into the Member Self-Service Portal to register for this event. Contact if you require any assistance.

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