Business Health Check Day - Quirindi
Keeping track of where your business is at, is vital to the longevity of your business success.

Seeking small business owners in Qurindi
On the 11 October , your local Business Connect Advisor will be in your area, specifically to work with you to conduct a Business Health Check. To keep track of where your business is at is vital to the longevity of your business success.
We take ourselves, our children and/or our animals off to the doctor for various different health checks from time to time.
Why should our businesses be any different?
Book some confidential one-on-one time with one of our Business Advisors to conduct a Business Health Check… whether it be for General Business, a Start Up, a new business idea, Social Media, e-Commerce, Marketing or Succession Planning, we have you covered.
Each of our Advisors have a wealth of business experience and will provide you with some insight into where your business is currently at, plus help you to diagnose the next steps so you can take your business where it needs to go.
Register today and one of the team will be in touch to confirm a 90-minute session with your local Business Advisor.
The Business Connect program is funded by the NSW Government.