HunterNet Business Practices Forum - Manufacturing Excellence - Productivity, Net Zero & Industrial Policy
Please join HunterNet as they present Prof Roy Green, Michael McLean and panelist Jon Bradshaw in a manufacturing excellence forum and panel discussion.

Please note this is a HunterNet Member only event - please email for more information on how you can enjoy the Power of Many.
Manufacturing Excellence - Productivity, Net Zero & Industrial Policy
Australian Manufacturing excellence with the 2024 world and beyond.
Three manufacturing and industry experts as they resolve the conundrums of current manufacturing direction and policy, or lack of, and where both the industry, government and overseas collaboration can build a manufacturing sector pf excellence and innovation across the Hunter region.
Roy was the Chair of the NSW Dept of Trade and Industry – NSW Manufacturing Council in 2009 which commissioned the International Marketing Institute of Australia IMIA, (now Australian Graduate School of Leadership) – which Michael McLean is a Senior Fellow.
The IMIA recommended the top 3 Industries for NSW Growth and now again in 2024 NSW Govt “Jobs First” strategy – the NSW Manufacturing Council said Rail (Freight and PAX); Renewables (Clean Energy) and 6-Star Buildings (Constructions Materials and Sustainable Design).
All three have been, are currently, and can be, produced in the Hunter region.
Please arrive at 7.45am for an 8am start.
Professor Roy Green Dean, Faculty of Business - University of Technology Sydney - BA LLB (Adelaide) PhD (Cambridge)
Professor Roy Green is Dean of the Faculty of Business at the University of Technology Sydney. He is a graduate of the University of Adelaide with a PhD in economics from the University of Cambridge, and has worked in universities, business and government in Australia and overseas, including projects with the OECD and European Commission. Roy is chair of the Australian Government’s Innovative Regions Centre, CSIRO Manufacturing Sector Advisory Council and NSW Manufacturing Council.
He is also a member of the Enterprise Connect Advisory Board, ABS Innovation Reference Group, SA Training and Skills Commission, Public Sector Performance Commission and Society for Knowledge Economics. He recently led the Australian contribution to a global study on management practice and productivity, ‘Management Matters in Australia – just how productive are we?’
Michael McLean – Managing Director – McLean Management Consultants - FAICD, FCLP, SF-AGSL, FAOQ, AF-CMC
Established in 1988 with a track record in Strengthening Organisation Resilience - Preventing and Solving Problems Strategic, Tactical and Operational contexts: "Problem - Risks - Evidence - Solutions".
Michael is an internationally recognised speaker, author with co-authored academic journal research on his management consulting industry clients’ cases-in-point in managing, preventing and solving complex supply chain client projects.
An Academic Fellow - Certified Management Consultant (ICMCI); Fellow Australian Institute of Company Directors; Senior Fellow - Australian Graduate School of Leadership Life Member Fellow AOQ and Dr JM Juran Medalist, Australian Defence Industry Management Consultant.
Lectured in the Master of Science University of Wollongong for Operations Management and Supply Chains. Guest industry lecturer in operations management, supply chains and project management for Macquarie University Business Schools; Sydney University Continuing Education; Western Sydney University, Thammasat University and RMIT Thailand. Swinburne University Competitive Systems, Practices and Leadership qualifications. Recent Australian Senate submission with University of NSW for Developing a Sovereign Tech Sector.
Jon Bradshaw - Ex-NSW Space Aerospace Defence Industry Group (SAIDG), Manufacturing, Defence and Aerospace Industry Advocate - IET Jack Finlay Award recipient
“The Advanced Manufacturing, Aerospace and Defence Industries of today and in the future are about recognising opportunities for market driven, deal winning, innovative products, solutions and services. Its about strategic and lateral thinking, original concepts, ideas and technically articulate value propositions. Clustering, teaming and alliances between research institutions and industry.
Cutting edge science, process technologies, high strength, light weight and high performance materials. It is certainly about energy efficient, sustainable, low carbon process. But most importantly the future is about people and new career vocations that can drive innovation, particularly solutions motivated technologists who combines high level technical and analytical process with 'hands on' skilled practicality"