Circular Economy and Zero Waste

Explore nature’s cycles & systems thinking to problem-solve our “take-make-dispose” way of dealing with resources

CERES school

Explore nature’s cycles, systems thinking, creative design thinking techniques & problem-solving in response to our current “take-make-dispose” way of dealing with resources. The course aims to re-think our current operating system where waste and pollution are designed out of the process, keeping materials in use and regenerating natural systems.

Alongside CERES Waste Education Coordinator, Lauren Kaszubski, there will be guest speakers that work in waste, design and creating circular economy practices. Students will have the opportunity to talk to makers and see a demonstration of the operation and re-moulding of plastic waste into new products. You will also be working with local up-cyclers to remake and repair waste products.

This course aims to inspire creative, regenerative and system thinkers and it culminates in each participant creating their own design of a product or solution that helps us work towards a circular economy.

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