First Fuel: Talking IEA EBC in Australia and around the world with Dr Paul Ruyssevelt and Stanford Harrison

As the world grapples with how to bounce back from the biggest economic crisis of our lifetime, the public conversation around energy efficiency and energy management is more vital now than ever.

In this week's episode of Energy Efficiency Council's podcast series, First Fuel, the EEC's CEO, Luke Menzel, is joined by Paul Ruyssevelt, Professor of Energy and Building Performance at the UCL Energy Institute and Vice Chair of the IEA Energy in Buildings and Communities (EBC) programme, and also Stanford Harrison, Manager - Commercial Buildings Policy at the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources.

Paul and Stanford are the IEA EBC national representatives for their respective countries, and are key players in the global collaborative research effort to aid the continued advance of energy efficient and resilient built communities.

Paul, Stanford and Luke will be discussing the role of the IEA EBC, it's achievements, it's goals, and how Australian academia and industry can get involved to ensure that our energy transition enables healthy and comfortable buildings, as well as clean and affordable energy for all.

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