Foresighting Forum 2023 - Energising Australians

This annual forum brings together the whole energy sector to work collaboratively on key issues affecting the long term interests of consumers.

Feb foresighting forum

The energy system is moving towards a smarter, low-carbon future energy system. We’re seeing a shift from a system primarily powered by a small number of large generators to one with many smaller ones, distributed across our communities. In addition, the uptake of renewable generation means there will be times when energy is abundant and times when it is scarce.

These changes are creating challenges for the grid, and there has been a clear focus on ensuring the power system continues to deliver reliable energy supplies.

What is less clear is the role that consumers will have in this future. Our current regulatory frameworks are not fit for purpose to support the active and constructive role we are counting on consumers to play to manage their energy use and generation to benefit themselves and the system.

We need to change our approach in two ways. First, by flipping how we view system problems and framing them from a consumer’s perspective, considering the barriers and constraints that they face. And second, by understanding the ways the system is, and isn’t, working for consumers. To do this, we need to hear from a wide variety of voices.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Paul Jordan, Energy Systems Catapault
  • Matt Finch, Associate Fellow, Saïd Business School, Oxford University
  • Adjunct Professor Paul De Martini, University of San Francisco and Newport Consulting Group
  • Nicola Hepenstall, The Shape Agency Australia, The Insights Centre
  • Clare Savage, Australian Energy Regulator
  • Joel Dignam, Better Renting
  • Professor Neil Horrocks, University of Queensland Centre for Energy and Innovation
  • Professor Yolande Strengers, Monash University
  • Dr Rebecca Huntley, 89 Degrees East
  • Anna Collyer, Australian Energy Market Commission
  • Marianne Lourey, ACIL Allen
  • Jill Cainey, Enre Energy
  • Professor Lachlan Blackhall, Australian National University
  • Alexandra O'Mara, Sustainable Solutions Advisory
  • Dr Phillipa Watson, Australian National University
  • Ross De Rango, Electric Vehicle Council
  • Gareth O’Reilly, Schneider Electric
  • Dr Hedda Ransan-Cooper, Australian National University
  • Dr Mike Roberts, University of NSW
  • MC, Rick Morton

View the full Event Program here

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