Hunter Transmission Project Industry Briefing | Newcastle
In these sessions EnergyCo will explain the Hunter Transmission Project (HTP)’s procurement process, timelines and ways businesses can be involved.
For more information on the Hunter Transmission Project, go to the EnergyCo website here.
Opportunities to work with the HTP
EnergyCo are building a list of local suppliers interested in being part of the HTP.
The project is currently in the planning phase and construction is anticipated to start from 2026.
A local supplier database will be included in the procurement package when EnergyCo appoints the design and construct contractors and network operator.
Tenderers will be expected to address how they will prioritise local employment and engage local services, among other criteria.
To support this process, they’re holding industry briefings and are opening an expression of interest (EOI) for local businesses.
Types of workforce and supplier opportunities
Building the HTP is a significant opportunity to invest in local business and provide jobs for local people.
The types of services that the HTP will need during design and construction include:
- labourers, security guards, cleaners, mining escorts
- plant operators, stringing crews, tower assembly crews, foundation crews, traffic control, geotechnical investigations
- engineers, planners, scientists, commercial, quality, legal, accounting, safety, community, surveyors, apprentices and trainees across all major trades including lines, electrical and foundations
- civil contractors, surveyors, electricians, arborists (clearing and revegetation), steel fabricators, precast fabricators, quarried materials, local plant hire, local vehicle hire, local hardware retailers and other small retailers, catering and restaurants, cleaning, accommodation providers.