International Conference on Sustainable Cokemaking and Ironmaking (ICSCI 2025)
The 2025 International Conference on Sustainable Cokemaking and Ironmaking aims to facilitate collaboration to identify future research opportunities, and to understand the challenges and opportunities the steel industry is facing as it transitions towards net-zero carbon.

With the global imperative to implement low-emission cokemaking and ironmaking, the University of Newcastle, through the the BHP Centre for Sustainable Steelmaking Research (SSR) (formerly the Centre for Ironmaking Materials Research), is seizing the opportunity to host academic and industry experts in an international conference to exchange knowledge and communicate technological developments in sustainable ironmaking.
Conference Topics
Low emission iron and steelmaking technologies
- Modified blast furnace
- DRI-ESF process route
- Direct reduced iron
- Emerging pathways
Decarbonisation pathways
- Auxiliary reductants
- Electrolysis processes
- Hydrogen and electricity utilisation
Raw materials for low emission ironmaking
- Raw material requirement for low-carbon blast furnace operations and DRI production
- Sintering, pelletising, briquetting
- Biomass utilisation
Fundamental studies, kinetics of reduction, gasification, etc.
Sustainable Cokemaking
- New cokemaking technologies
- Impact of renewable additives on coking process
- Reactivity of bio-coke
- Stamp charging technology
- Coke quality requirements in low-carbon blast furnace
- Coke oven gas cleaning and utilisation
- Sustainability of biomass supply chain
- Optimisation of blends with bio-additives
Process Integration and Optimisation
- Carbon capture and utilisation
- Utilisation of iron and steelmaking slags
Regional Specific Developments