IP Seminar Series – Seminar 1: Overview of Intellectual Property Rights – Recognising, Exploiting and Protecting IP
In the first seminar in HunterNet’s IP Series, Richard Suters and Angela McDonald will provide an overview of IP rights, help HunterNet members consider and identify the IP (or types of IP) they are likely to have or use in their businesses, along with how to best protect those IP rights.

Please note this is a HunterNet Member only event - please email info@hunternet.com.au for more information on how you can enjoy the Power of Many.
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Intellectual Property Series – Seminar 1: Overview of Intellectual Property Rights – Recognising, Exploiting and Protecting IP
In the first seminar in HunterNet’s IP Series, Richard Suters and Angela McDonald will provide an overview of IP rights, help HunterNet members consider and identify the IP (or types of IP) they are likely to have or use in their businesses, along with how to best protect those IP rights. The first seminar provides attendees with a foundation of knowledge for the following seminars.
It is critical that businesses take stock of their IP assets, consider what intellectual property rights they own and how to best protect those rights. Often businesses are unaware of the extent of their IP assets and may not have taken the appropriate measures to protect those IP assets. When considered and acted upon early in the IP lifecycle, the careful protection of IP assets can help businesses avoid the potential for costly dispute resolution and litigation in the future.
The seminar will be conducted informally with attendees encouraged to ask questions at any time throughout the presentation. Future events in the series will offer a more in-depth analysis of trade marks and brand protection, as well as patents, designs and confidential information. Members are encouraged to attend all 3 seminars in the series.