Project governance: misinformation kills project decision
This event is the fifth in a series to make engineers aware of their responsibility for project governance in their projects through total quality management (TQM) of information.

Project Boards/Steering Committees/Control Groups are appointed on projects to be accountable for delivering project outcomes (e.g. improved communications, traffic networks), and not just outputs (IT systems, roads bridges). This involves making decisions which require accurate, timely and unbiased information, not misinformation that could endanger a project’s success.
Recent delays to Snowy-2, Inland Rail and Anzac Bridge Interchange can all be traced to governance misinformation. There are two essential elements of the project governance framework that are required to ensure decisions are properly informed:
- Progress reporting (against agreed project outcome strategies, business plans and charters) by independent, unbiased and experienced engineers who have no conflict of interest with supply chain members.
- Outcome Risk Management Plans with independently verified contingency allowances, which are owned, monitored and actioned by project team members.
Which information needs assuring? Not just traditional time and cost status, but also team culture, stakeholder issues, team disputation, resource availability, productivity, application effectiveness of project management techniques, handover preparedness, opportunities to remove wasted effort/continuous improvement.
Learning outcomes
In this event you will learn:
- How to ensure no misinformation.
- Outcome assurance reporting for project governance v output progress reporting for project management.
- Maturity models highlighting areas for assurance and improvement actions.
- Maturity models to use on your project/company to check project governance effectiveness.
- Assurance organisation framework, experience required, conflict of interest avoided.
- Group case study using real project role playing.
- Competencies and capabilities required to effectively apply project governance to guide career planning.
- Q&A with experienced presenters.
Event program
- 5.00 pm AEST: Registrations open and networking
- 5.30 pm AEST: Welcome and Webinar commences
- 6.45 pm AEST: Q&A
- 7.00 pm AEST: Webinar concludes and refreshments
- 7.15 pm AEST: Discussion forum and workshop
- 8.30 pm AEST: Event concludes
- 5.30 pm AEST: Webinar starts
- 7.00 pm AEST: Event concludes
The speakers
Moataz Mahmoud | Director TBH – Principal, Risk Services Leader
Yvonne Butler | Former CEO, Australian Institute of Project Management