Reset and Refocus

Get your business and mind back on track and make 2020 your best year yet.


Gotten a little off track? Join the club! The path of business building has many ebbs and flows. If your business just isn’t where you thought it would be by this point in the year, I highly suggest you reset and refocus with me!

In this workshop I breakdown the five different core areas of resetting and refocusing and why they’re so important. You will learn about each and why they all affect your overall business goals.

Topics covered:

  1. Define your purpose, values and mission and align it with your business identity
  2. Define your ideal clients and know where and how do you find them
  3. Home and Business - Discover the areas of your personal life which cause you challenges in your business
  4. Your Launch - What are you really offering/selling
  5. Develop a practical 90 day marketing plan

Who is this program for?

Startups, entrepreneurs and business owners

Resources Industry Partners


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