Underground drill and blast forum

Hosted by the NSW Resources Regulator, the forum is a collaborative meeting to share knowledge across the underground blasting discipline.

Resources regulator event

Inspectors will review emerging issues and trends from relevant program plans, legislative accountabilities, Safe Work licence requirements (understanding of the process and what is required) and topical incidents and/or new explosives developments (both from the mines and the explosives industry).

The meeting also includes a review of recent incidents, topical issues, updates on guidelines and standards, discussion of published safety alerts, bulletins, investigation releases and relevant incidents and events at NSW mines. This event is an essential part of meeting continual professional development (CPD) requirements for holders of practicing certificates. It also provides networking opportunities and an avenue for direct communication with the Regulator.

Meeting attendees are encouraged to discuss key learnings from their experiences and participate in constructive technical discussion.

Who should attend?

  • Drill and blast engineers, superintendents, managers, MEMs, quarry managers
  • Appointed supervisors (shotfirers)
  • Suppliers and contractors

Tickets and Registration

By invitation.

For more information about the meeting, or to request an invitation, please contact the industry engagement team, on rr.workshops@regional.nsw.gov.au

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