Meet the innovators at Activating Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts in the Hunter event
This free event includes a 'Meet the Innovators' Showcase reception and Industry Panel

Beyond Zero Emissions have organised a must attend event for anyone interested in the future of the energy and resources sector in the Hunter.
Activating Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts in the Hunter will take place at Newcastle City Hall at 4pm on Monday May 3 as part of the Hunter Innovation Festival. It features two unique and important mini-events - a showcase and a panel.
Meet the Innovators Showcase
The event begins at 4pm with a Meet the Innovators Showcase.
Researchers, start-ups and established companies in renewable energy and manufacturing will be showcasing their incredible work, with hands on displays, an open bar and networking opportunities galore. Meet the people on the cutting edge - creating jobs and building the zero-carbon future of the Hunter. Meet industry leaders including:
- Prof. Behdan Moghtaderi - green hydrogen
- Prof Paul Dastoor - printable solar cells
- MGA Thermal - zero carbon thermal bricks
- Dr Jessica Allen - negative carbon technology
- Dr Nicholas Gurieff - GlobH2E ARC
- SwitchDin - networking
- Ampcontrol - manufacturing
- HunterNet - manufacturing workforce
- SAPHI engineering
- CSIRO (project tba)
- Newcastle Offshore Wind
- 3ME
- Energy Renaissance
- Beyond Zero Emissions with a REIP display
Industry Panel
Following the Showcase at 5.30pm, attendees will be invited to hear an Industry Panel discuss how to activate the Hunter as a global hub of clean energy manufacturing.
Industry leaders on the discussion panel will include:
- Alice Thompson - Committee for the Hunter
- Boris Novak - HunterNet
- Dr Andrew Mears - SwitchDin
- Warrick Jordan - Hunter Jobs Alliance
- Dr Jessica Allen - University of Newcastle
- Panel Host: Sam Mella - Beyond Zero Emissions
This is a free Hunter Innovation Festival event. The 2021 incarnation of the annual festival features 40 events which aim to connect, inspire, educate and promote a culture of innovation. And this one is not to be missed.
This event is sponsored by SwitchDin and coordinated by Beyond Zero Emissions with support from Eighteen04 and CLEANaS.
Although this event is free, bookings are essential. Book your place here.